#1. Youth Entrepreneurship for Employability


This course will provide participants (i.e., existing, or future Youth Workers) with knowledge and skills that they can use to assist youth in starting their own businesses. Entrepreneurship can create jobs, provide reliable streams of income, build community and enable fuller youth participation in society. 



#2. Career Readiness for Youth


Career Readiness for Youth will provide participants (i.e., existing, or future Youth Workers) with knowledge and skills that they can use to assist youth to prepare for a career and the next phase of their lives. Students will gain confidence in skills such as networking, career mapping, resume writing, completing job applications, and  exploring educational pathways.




#3. Conflict Resolution for Youth


Conflict management is a critical life skill for contemporary global citizens. This course aims to equip youth workers with the foundational knowledge of power and conflict. Youth workers will develop a tool kit of strategies for mediation and conflict resolution in conflicts.This knowledge will be useful to youth workers for them to model, impart, and transfer to the greater community through the youth that they are working with.



#4. Digital Skills for Youth


This course will introduce youth workers to the current innovations in digital technology and explore the relevance of digital skills for Bahamian youth. It provides a strong foundation, empowering youth workers with the confidence to become producers of online content, where they can actively engage and think critically about online information. Youth workers will learn about internet safety and challenges affecting Bahamian youth. Youth workers will also explore relevant digital tools to create, communicate, mentor, and inspire youth.


#5. Youth Wellness, Mental Health, and Emotional Intelligence


This course aims to prepare prospective youth workers with the necessary tool kit to foster and
support individual wellness and mental health and wellness practices for youth. This course will introduce learners to key aspects of mental health by discussing topics of mental health, anxiety, relationship issues and emotional intelligence. Through unpacking various mental health strategies, youth workers will be equipped with understanding and resources for working with youth.

#6. Youth Leadership in a 4th Industrial Era


Leadership is an important concept and skill to master due to its relation to all aspects of our lives. This course aims to equip youth workers with a toolkit to guide youth on effective leadership. Youth workers will be introduced to the contemporary challenges and aptitudes of the 4th Industrial era by unpacking and conceptualizing the themes of entrepreneurship, leadership, goal setting, embracing and navigating change, and diversity, culture and leadership. Learners will gain competency in themes such as 21st-century skills, S.M.A.R.T goal setting, leadership styles and theories, crisis management, LEAN start-up plans and more.

#7. Youth Cultural and Diversity Awareness


This course aims to introduce prospective youth workers to various aspects of culture by examining concepts of Bahamian and broader culture. Learners will unpack their own definitions of culture and conceptualize ideas of citizenry and statelessness. Additionally, this course will have learners reflect on their own cultural identity, instill a broader sense of diversity awareness and provide insights into navigating discussion on divisive topics. Through the dissection of law and policy, learners will become accustomed to Bahamian local government, environmental policy and youth participation and influence in public discourse. Furthermore, ideas of gender, inclusion, diversity, inequality, discrimination and stereotypes will be understood in the context both globally and in the Bahamas.

#8. Youth and the Climate Crisis


The climate crisis is a defining challenge of our time, demanding urgent action and collective engagement from individuals, communities, and societies worldwide. This online course explores the climate crisis from a youth’s perspective, empowering participants to deepen their understanding, explore solutions, and take meaningful action in their own lives and communities.

#9. Good Governance in Youth Organizations


In this course, we will explore the essence of good governance, emphasizing consensus, accountability, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness, equity, inclusivity, and innovation. Through engaging modules, gain practical insights to foster better decision-making and inclusive leadership within youth organizations.

#10. Health and Well-Being: Issues for Youth


This course presents a broad overview of some key health issues facing global youth. Delve into essential topics like basic first aid, sanitation practices, non-communicable diseases and preventive measures. Explore the vital connection between youth and mental health, and learn strategies for promoting holistic well-being. Dive into the unique challenges and opportunities for fostering healthy lifestyles among young people. Cap off your learning by harnessing your knowledge to create positive change for youth in your community by proposing a community health intervention.

#11. Youth Rights, Civic Engagement and Political Participation


This course explores youth rights and labor rights, empowering you to advocate for fair treatment and opportunities in economic and political life. Dive into the nuances of youth civic engagement, while uncovering the opportunities and challenges hindering youth participation in civic and political processes. By the end of this course you will be well on your journey to becoming a champion for youth rights and youth empowerment in your community.

#12. Engaging Pacific Youth in their Communities


This course includes aspects on motivating young people, encouraging youth to become advocates, and supporting the development of action plans for change. The module is structured around an authentic scenario and centers on a project to be completed over the six units. Throughout the module, learners will have access to a range of resources that will give them a glimpse into the lives of youth around the world and their unique challenges and opportunities.