
This global Youth Participatory Action Research Project (YPAR) connects researchers and youth across commonwealth countries in exploring solutions to this century’s most pressing youth issues. Funded through a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant through the Government of Canada, researchers from Lakehead University, in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning, are working alongside youth, educators and community leaders in small Commonwealth countries in developing an educational program for youth empowerment. Through localized youth-engaged workshops, issues are revealed and in collaboration, free online courses have been created in support of professionalizing youth workers to meet them head on. Youth and the climate crisis, youth and health, youth rights and economic and political participation are just some of the important themes upon which a set of twelve micro-credentialed courses have been developed.

Through community-based participatory action research, we are exploring the nuances of international educational projects, including the challenges and opportunities for educational transfer – i.e. using curriculum developed in one context and considering whether or not it can be applied in another. Significant barriers exist to the development and accessibility of meaningful educational opportunities, especially for youth in the global majority and small states. This project seeks to fill a critical gap in our practical and theoretical knowledge surrounding the integration of youth in educational curriculum that serves their needs and interests in a way that is accessible and meaningful.

To date, a set of 12 courses have been developed and over 2000 youth have successfully participated. We are excited to offer these courses through this self-directed web platform and continue collaborating with partners through universities, ministries of youth, and youth leaders to continue adapting this content to serve youth around the world.