#2. Career Readiness for Youth

Career Readiness for Youth will provide participants (i.e., existing, or future youth workers) with knowledge and skills that they can use to assist youth to prepare for a career and the next phase of their lives. Students will gain confidence in skills such as networking, career mapping, resume writing, completing job applications, and exploring educational pathways.

Learning Outcomes

The youth worker will:

  •  identify their personal strengths and professional skills.
  • understand themselves better through experiences, assessments, reflection, and feedback.
  • understand the importance of planning, preparation and practice in reaching goals.
  • analyse existing trends of youth employment in the Bahamas.
  • identify careers of interest and learn how to find out more about those careers, including necessary occupational and educational requirements.
  • demonstrate an understanding of the career exploration process and how skills and interests match up to a chosen educational/career path.
  • understand the importance of taking initiative at work. They will also determine appropriate ways to show motivation and initiative.
  • understand the new employee payroll process including the forms that need to be filled out and the documents that need to be copied by an employer.
  • learn the importance of relationships in career readiness.

  • be able to create a brochure that outlines at least (5) useful tips for effective communication for career and job market readiness
  • learn the importance of professional social netiquette and the potential consequences of neglecting them.
  • be able to complete a resume and list issues that might arise for youth resume writing
  • be able to list (#) practical tips to effective cover letter writing.
  • develop a strategy to overcome objections.
  • create an infographic on career readiness for youth.
  • create a Powerpoint that includes (7) insights (i.e ideas, theories, learning styles, and real-life examples) of what they learned over the course of this module in a language and manner that could be understood by youth.

Course Units 1-6

Unit 1. Career Readiness

Unit 2. Career Awareness

Unit 3. Strategies for Success

Unit 4. Communication and Professional Ethics

Unit 5. Creating a Career Portfolio

Unit 6. Course Review

Course Highlights

Students are invited to:

  • get to know themselves through self-reflection and peer engagement and then highlighting their professional skills and personal strengths by creating an elevator pitch (15-30 second, 150 word) using flip-grid.
  • create a Vision Board that shows what life and career success looks like to them?
  • identify 3 accomplishments (successes) from their own life. What characteristics help people achieve success? What helped you in the examples of accomplishments that you just identified? (confidence, determination, motivation, practice, responsibility, positive attitude, believing you can do it, having a clear goal, etc.)

Francesca Piovani

Founder, CEO & Architect

Rhye Moore

Engineering Manager

Helga Steiner


Ivan Lawrence

Project Manager

Enhance your architectural journey with the Études Architect app.

  • Collaborate with fellow architects.
  • Showcase your projects.
  • Experience the world of architecture.
White abstract geometric artwork from Dresden, Germany